A woman sitting in a window with an open book.

Life Guidance

We’re committed to your financial well-being and we’re here to guide you along the path to success with helpful information for life’s biggest milestones.

Life Guidance for:

Business Finances

A+FCU has been helping Central Texas businesses succeed and grow for decades. We’re happy to help guide your business too, by providing the knowledge and experience we’ve gained over that time to help you avoid potential financial pitfalls.

  1. Starting A Business
Life Guidance for:

Buying A Home

Every year, A+FCU helps thousands of Central Texans purchase their homes. We’ve developed a deep understanding of the most common home-buying challenges, as well as some of the most helpful resources. This section provides the guidance you need to make owning your own home a reality.

  1. First-Time Homebuyer
  2. Buying & Selling A Home
A man driving a car and looking out the window. There is a dog in the passenger's seat next to him.
Life Guidance for:

Buying A Vehicle

A+FCU was founded in 1949, so we’ve been around longer than most of today’s car companies. And, as one of the largest local vehicle lenders in Central Texas, we have a lot of experience with the vehicle financing process. We’re happy to share our knowledge with you so that you can make the best choice.

  1. Before You Buy A Car
Life Guidance for:

Family & Finances

As your family grows or changes, you’ll need to reimagine your finances, how to manage them, and the dialogue surrounding the topic. No matter what stage of life you’re in – getting married, having a baby, or raising money-smart kids – we’ve got you covered.

  1. Getting Married
  2. Having A Baby
  3. Raising Money-Smart Kids
Life Guidance for:

Paying For College

Attending college can be the best investment people make in themselves, but it can be expensive. Like any investment, the more you know, the better the decision you will make. A+FCU is focused on education and we’re happy to share our knowledge and experience to help you make the right choice.

  1. Saving & Planning For College
  2. College Financial Aid
  3. Going To College
  4. After College Graduation
A woman on a paddle board with a dog.
Life Guidance for:

Personal Finances

Financial health is a key part of overall wellness. Count on us to provide the knowledge and tools you need to make sense of your money, better your financial journey, and improve your peace of mind.

  1. Budgeting
  2. (Re)Building Credit
  3. Debt
Life Guidance for:


You can’t start planning for retirement too early. However, during our 70+ years of experience, we’ve learned that financial obligations can sometimes delay that planning. Regardless of how far away retirement is, we’re happy to share our experience and knowledge to help you get the most out of the time you have.

  1. Saving For Retirement
Life Guidance for:

Safety & Security

Keeping your personal and account information safe can be challenging. Use our tools and tips to help protect yourself from fraud and identity theft.

  1. Fraud Protection

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Woman hugs and kisses dog’s face while outside.
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