A woman sitting on the floor of a living room with headphones in and a cup of coffee. she has an open laptop in front of her.


As part of the benefits of membership, you have access to free educational tools, such as BalanceTrack. Use these easy-to-digest modules to learn about key money management topics.

Financial Tools At Your Fingertips

Move toward sound money management and financial success with BalanceTrack educational modules. With a diverse offering, these modules will guide you through core aspects of personal finance.

We value your financial well-being. That’s why we not only offer access to free tools but also recognize your efforts with 100 PlusPoints per module completed.* With the ability to lower rates on some loans and increase rates on select share certificates, it pays to learn.

Man sites at table with phone and clipboard

Access eLearning

Take advantage of online instruction-based learning and quizzes to master the world of personal finance. It’s confidential and free to enroll.


Financial Basics

  • Checking Account Management
  • Credit Matters
  • Drive Away Happy
  • High-Cost Financial Services
  • Money Management
  • The Psychology of Spending
  • The World of Credit Reports

Planning For Success

  • Financial Planning
  • Smart Tax Planning
  • Ten Steps to Financial Success
  • The Basics of Investing


  • The Road to Homeownership
  • Using Home Equity

Financial Crises

  • Identity Theft
  • Financial First Aid
  • Rebuilding After a Financial Crisis

Youth & Young Adults

  • Cash Flow
  • Finances for College Students
  • Repaying Student Loans
  • Teens and Money
  • The Art of Saving Money

*Members can earn up to 300 PlusPoints per month by completing BalanceTrack modules. Maximum of 100 PlusPoints per BalanceTrack module regardless of number of attempts. PlusPoints will be credited after the end of the month. Please allow three to five business days. Program subject to change without notice.

For consumer direct and collateralized (non-mortgage) loans. Credit cards, Signature Loan, Classroom Cash, Holiday Loans, Loyalty Line of Credit, Bridge Loans, HELOC, A+ Mortgage loans, student loans, Home Equity, and Home Improvement Loans are excluded from redemption.

PlusPoints Member Rewards is subject to change without notice. To participate, members cannot have any delinquent loans in excess of 30 days past due and must have par value in the Membership account. Associations and businesses are not eligible.

A woman on a paddleboard with a dog next to her.
Life Guidance for:

Personal Finances

Financial health is a key part of overall wellness. Count on us to provide the knowledge and tools you need to make sense of your money, better your financial journey, and improve your peace of mind.

A couple standing on a porch, their backs are to us, and there is an open laptop on the table in front of them.
Life Guidance for:

(Re)Building Credit

Credit is factored into many decisions, including loan approvals, housing applications, insurance rates, and employment opportunities. To obtain the most favorable outcomes, it’s important to understand the basics of credit scores and credit reports.

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Woman hugs and kisses dog’s face while outside.
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