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Back-To-School Shopping & Budgeting

Aug 06, 2024 Family & Finances

Use back-to-school shopping to help teach your kids about budgeting and learning the difference between needs and wants.

A woman kissing a young girl goodbye, they are standing in front of a school bus.

The new school year is upon us, which means it’s time to get the family’s school supplies ready! Back-to-school shopping is a great opportunity to teach your kids about budgeting and the importance of prioritizing what you need, not what you want. This activity is most appropriate for those who know how to count and do basic math; however, parents can encourage and guide little ones as needed.

Back-To-School Shopping Budget Worksheet

Use this worksheet to help kids and teens develop their shopping list, compare prices, and review their spending.

Top Back-To-School Budgeting Tips  

Develop The Rules  

Establish Their Spending Limit

Assess What Is Needed  

Develop Their Shopping List

Have Them Organize Their List

Get Ready, Set, Shop




Early exposure to financial concepts can foster a healthy attitude towards money and instill good financial habits, such as budgeting and saving money. Use the tips above to help your kids practice money-smart skills.

Child sits on parent’s shoulders while outside
Life Guidance for:

Family & Finances

As your family grows or changes, you’ll need to reimagine your finances. No matter what stage of life you’re in – getting married, having a baby, or raising money-smart kids – we’ve got you covered.

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