Take advantage of our member rewards that can help you save money, earn more money, or both!
Perks You Can Count On
Our PlusPoints Member Rewards Program is designed to earn you redeemable reward points that you can use to enhance some A+FCU products. Here’s how you can earn points:
- Get 1 point for every $1 in interest paid on an A+FCU loan or A+FCU-maintained mortgage
- Get 1 point for every $1 in dividends earned on share accounts
- Earn 10 points for every signature-based transaction and earn 5 points for every PIN-based transaction using your A+FCU debit card with your Cash-Back Checking Account
- Get 100 points for every year of membership
- Get 100 points during your birthday month
- Additional points may be awarded for special promotions and campaigns
- Earn 100 points for every BalanceTrack module completed*
Redeem Your Points
Increase the rate on a share or IRA certificate:
- Use 2,500 PlusPoints to increase dividend rate by 0.25%
- Maximum redemption value per eligible certificate is 2,500 PlusPoints
Lower the rate on select new loans:†
- Use 2,500 PlusPoints to save 0.25%
- Use 5,000 PlusPoints to save 0.50%
- Maximum redemption value per eligible loan is 5,000 PlusPoints
Things To Know
- Credited automatically by the tenth of each month or after each special promotion
- Can be transferred to the A+FCU membership of any immediate family member living within the same household
- Balances are available on monthly statements and can be viewed with your account details in A+ Online Banking or with the A+ Mobile App
- Capped at 25,000 points per member
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Rates & Resources
Make the most of your A+FCU membership with these resources to help you manage your accounts and better your finances.
Ready to take control of your finances? See what steps to follow to develop a spending and saving plan and follow through on it.
Personal Finances
Financial health is a key part of overall wellness. Count on us to provide the knowledge and tools you need to make sense of your money, better your financial journey, and improve your peace of mind.
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