Hectic Holidays: 5 Ways To Control Last-Minute Holiday Shopping
Not finished shopping? Use these tips to spend less, save time, and reduce stress when buying gifts.

Still shopping for the people on your gift list? It’s okay – there’s still time for you to complete your shopping and save money.
Here are five ways to curb your spending and get all the gifts you need.
Last-Minute Holiday Shopping Tips
1. Use Credit Rewards
Do you have redeemable credit card points stacked up? Why not use those points to buy a gift for someone on your gift list? You’ll save money by using what you already have, plus it’ll help you avoid a trip to the store.
2. Plan What You Need
Don’t head to the store looking for a good idea – brainstorm before you go so you at least narrow down what you should get. You can also look online to price match and check item availability at stores near you.
3. Budget, Budget, Budget
This is important, especially if you still have a long list of things to buy. Sit down and see how much you want to spend per gift then find options that are in that price range.
4. Pay With Credit
If you’re doing some last-minute budgeting and realize you don’t have all the cash upfront, that’s okay. Decide what items you’ll pay for with a credit card or loan and create a plan to pay it off as soon as possible to limit or avoid debt.
5. New Gift Exchange Ideas
Are others in your family or friend group struggling to finish shopping? Suggest doing a White Elephant, Secret Santa, or gift card exchange. You’ll save everyone time and money, plus avoid additional holiday stress.

Holiday Spending Survival Guide
Use our free Holiday Spending Survival Guide to easily keep track of your budget and following these steps.
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