Contact Community Education
The Community Education team is the backbone of all things education. This department is responsible for financial education efforts, the A+FCU Scholarship Program, and the A+ Education Foundation Grant Program.
How can we help you?
DO NOT include private account information in unsecure emails/forms to A+FCU.
Educators Resources
We encourage educators to take advantage of these resources for in and out of the classroom.

Raising Money-Smart Kids
Talking to kids about money is not only acceptable but also encouraged. Use our tips to help your child understand and practice age-appropriate money management skills.

Paying For College
If you’ve set your sights on attending college, it’s never too early to prepare. Use our resources to familiarize yourself with college savings options and financial aid, estimate your cost of attendance, and understand repayment options.
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9 Things You May Be Paying Too Much For

Are there expenses that you could cut back on? Here are some key areas where you might be overspending and ways to spot potential savings.
Beginner’s Guide To Solar Power

Solar power technology can seem complex. That’s why we’ve put together this beginner’s guide to solar panels.
16 Months Of Financial Tips

Use these monthly financial tips to break down your top financial tasks and to-dos and get on the right path to being financially healthy.

Join The A+FCU Family
Joining is easy and comes not only with a wide variety of money-saving products tailored to fit your needs, but also exclusive member-only benefits.