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Monday Resolutions: Reach Your Goals

Jan 04, 2022 Holidays

New Year resolutions not your thing? Learn how to set a new goal every week and have a healthier year.

A woman and a child sitting outside, they are smiling at each other and laughing.

The start of a new year is always exciting. It’s a time to set new goals, create resolutions, and to get a head start on wellness – physical, mental, and even financial.

It can be difficult, though, to set a yearly resolution and stick to it the whole year. Instead, consider setting a new goal or resolution at the start of each week and call them Monday Resolutions.

For example, if you want to save money in 2022 and you always buy coffee on your way to work, make a promise to yourself to only make coffee once you get to the office. At the end of the week, estimate how much you saved and give yourself a pat on the back!

Another great way to save money is by completing the 52-Week Savings Challenge. Set a reminder on your phone every Monday morning for what ‘week’ you’re on and transfer that amount from your checking account to a specialized savings (so you won’t be tempted to spend it). If you complete this challenge, you’ll have over $1,300 by the end of the year.

If yearly resolutions seem daunting to you, consider Monday Resolutions to help you achieve your goals.

Female sits on floor on laptop with notebooks open next to her
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Ready to take control of your finances? See what steps to follow to develop a spending and saving plan and follow through on it.

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