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Central Texas Students Awarded $120,000 In Scholarships From A+ Federal Credit Union

May 18, 2023 A+ News

The A+FCU Board of Directors awarded 60 high school and college students with $120,000 in scholarships for the 2023-2024 school year.

Congratulations written on a piece of paper in ink.

The A+ Federal Credit Union (A+FCU) Board of Directors awarded 60 Central Texas high school and college students with scholarships totaling $120,000 for the 2023-2024 school year.

The scholarships have been an A+FCU tradition since 1984, and this is the second consecutive year $120,000 has been awarded. Each student receives $2,000 to help with educational expenses.

This year’s scholarship recipients have proven to be hardworking, committed, and passionate. It’s an honor to invest in their future, and we wish them continued personal and academic success.

– Terry Lord, A+FCU Board Member and Chair of Scholarship Committee

“This year’s scholarship recipients have proven to be hardworking, committed, and passionate,” Terry Lord, A+FCU Board Member and Chair of the Scholarship Committee, said. “It’s an honor to invest in their future, and we wish them continued personal and academic success.”

The 60 recipients were selected for their academic achievements and community involvement and represent seven universities and 33 high schools.

“This scholarship will help to alleviate some of the financial stress along my journey pursuing an engineering degree,” Chloe Cano, who’s attending Trinity University as an engineering major in Fall 2023, said. “I will now be able to focus solely on my academic work in college. Thank you for this opportunity.”

Recipients were recognized at our Scholarship Reception held May 17, 2023.

2023 Collegiate Scholarship

Education Majors

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List of 2023 Collegiate Scholarship Recipients – Current Or Aspiring Educators
Recipient College Major
Brittny Bell Huston-Tillotson University Bachelor Of Arts In Education
Ramey Allen Douglas University Of Houston Graduate Degree In History
Samantha Miller Trinity University Bachelor In Communication/Education/Sport Management
Emma Morelli Baylor University Bachelor Of Music Education
Janell Puckett Lamar University M.Ed. In Teacher Leadership
Mariza Rebmann Texas A&M International University M.Sc. In School Counseling
Vani Richter Lamar University M.Ed. In Special Education With Educational Diagnostician Certification
Tina Risinger Concordia University Texas M.Ed. In Instructional Leadership

2023 High School Scholarship

Education Majors

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List of 2023 High School Scholarship Recipients – Education Majors
Recipient High School Major
Cody Dotson Jarrell High School Education
Onaedochukwu Eneli Harker Heights High School Education
David Fraprie Wimberley High School Education
Roozbeh Masoumi Hendrickson High School Education
Nevaeh Morgan Stony Point High School Education
Hannah Mullens Tom Glenn High School Education
Chloe Pennington Homeschool Certification Education
William Isaac Plotts Cedar Park High School Education
Kayla Santana Del Valle High School Education
Tianna Thompson John B. Connally High School Education
Anavelle Urbina Pflugerville High School Education
Ana Alicia Urista Martinez Lake Travis High School Education
Jacob Waidelich Anderson High School Education

Non-Education Majors

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List of 2023 High School Scholarship Recipients – Non-Education Majors
Recipient High School Major
Jon Batiste Del Valle High School Business
Sasha Brown Westwood High School Psychology
Tyler Bushelle John B. Connally High School Nursing
Chloe Cano Ann Richards School For Young Women Leaders Engineering
Colton Cardosa Anderson High School Mechanical Engineering
Shunamite Chisom Manor High School Business/Entrepreneurship
Maritza Correa Akins Early College High School Healthcare/Biomedical Sciences
Luigi D'Amico Bastrop High School Mechanical Engineering
Ryan Dharwadker James Bowie High School Aerospace Engineering
Venus Dinari John B. Connally High School Economics/Anthropology
Kate Espejo Cedar Ridge High School Accounting
Zuleyka Esquivel Santander Akins Early College High School Social Work
Ani Farris Lake Travis High School Marketing/Business Administration
Cavitt Fowler III Fishers High School Kinesiology
Isabella Franklin Rouse High School Biology
Ryan Green Cedar Park High School Architecture
Samuel Gunter Weiss High School Computer Science
Erin Alyssa Hector Dripping Springs High School Biology/Pre-Med
Timothy Hollenbeck Hutto High School Biomedical Engineering
Kerrigan Hooker Thrall High School Business Administration
Deanndra Jones Killeen High School Nursing
Marek Kania Round Rock High School Forestry & Wildlife Management
Ella Lutz-Carrillo Akins Early College High School Microbiology
Ianna Mack Tom Glenn High School Interior Design
Daniel Mekuria Weiss High School Biotechnology
Marina Mirabal Westwood High School Fine Arts
Joshua Myatt Cedar Ridge High School Restaurant/Business Management
Isabelle Nash Marble Falls High School Business Administration
Madeleine Novinger Anderson High School Biomedical Engineering
Haley Parra Akins Early College High School Sociology
Roberto Ramirez Akins Early College High School Journalism
Elizabeth Salmon San Marcos High School Nursing/Biology
Bryce Sands Manor New Tech High School Kinesiology
Julia Schaubert McCallum High School Biology
Natalie Smith Akins Early College High School Psychology
Tristan Stephens Stony Point High School Mechanical Engineering
Eliana Varela Vista Ridge High School Psychology
Lauren Vicknair Anderson High School Nursing
Brennan Zupfer Taylor High School Kinesiology

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