Savings Accounts
When you bank with A+FCU, you always have plenty of choices, and our banking accounts are no exception. Learn more about our savings accounts options to find your perfect fit. Plus, we have great resources and articles if you’re unsure about what you need.
Membership Savings
Trust that your funds are secure in an insured account as you save for a big expense or emergencies. Plus, grow the money you save by earning dividends paid monthly.
Tiered Money Market
Whether you’re just starting to save or looking for a way to maximize your existing funds, benefit from a tiered structure that rewards you with higher dividends as your savings grow.
Rates & Resources
To keep you from having to do all the math, we’ve provided rates & calculators for all kinds of situations.

Ready to take control of your finances? See what steps to follow to develop a spending and saving plan and follow through on it.

Family & Finances
As your family grows or changes, you’ll need to reimagine your finances. No matter what stage of life you’re in – getting married, having a baby, or raising money-smart kids – we’ve got you covered.
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Join The A+FCU Family
Joining is easy and comes not only with a wide variety of money-saving products tailored to fit your needs, but also exclusive member-only benefits.