52-Week Savings Challenge
Do you have a goal to save more money? Get started with the 52-Week Savings Challenge and watch your savings grow.

Looking for a new way to save money, but not sure the best way to do so? Try our 52-Week Savings Challenge to set you up for year-long success.
During the 52-Week Savings Challenge, you will save $1 for each week you’ve been saving. For example, on week one, you save $1. Week two is $2. Week five is $5. At the end of a year, you’ll have saved over $1,300!
Another idea is to count down the weeks. Start with week 52 and work your way down. This might be helpful if you know money might be tight near the end of the year.
Get your 52 week savings challenge PDF here
- Make the deposit on the same day every week – to remember, set a reminder on your phone or calendar
- Open a new savings to earn more on your money
- Easily and conveniently transfer funds using A+ Online Banking or the A+ Mobile App
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