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5 Ways To Cut Your Grocery Bill And Save Money

Jan 11, 2022 Personal Finances

Budgeting for 2022? Learn how to save money and create healthier shopping and eating habits for you and your family.

A woman browsing the grocery store shelves.

Your relationship with food is probably pretty complex. In addition to needing it to survive, you may use food for comfort, gathering with others, or as a distraction. It’s important to take all of these things into consideration, assess how it relates to your buying habits, and start planning.

Use these tips to better your grocery shopping habits, eat out less, and build a better budget.

Coupons And Sales

A great way to save on the everyday purchases is to use coupons that you receive in your mail, look through online ads, and shop in season produce. Try shopping around and get a look ahead at which grocery stores have the best sales on products you’re looking to buy.

Meal Plan

Having a meal plan will make your busy days easier with pre-planned dinners and will save you trips to the store for impromptu items.

Find recipes for foods you enjoy and see what ingredients you already have to make a list for items you’ll need to get. You’ll be surprised to find you can make a decent amount of meals out of things already in your pantry.

Make A Grocery List

Make sure a grocery list is your first priority when going to the store. Arriving at the store with a purpose rather than just browsing the aisles will make your trip speedy, efficient, and ensure you only spend money on the products you actually need.

If you’re shopping with kids, having a grocery list is especially helpful in eliminating impulse buys. It’s also a great learning opportunity for them to practice needs versus wants.

Try Generic Brands

Always buying name brand items? Go outside your comfort zone and get generic brands for some of your favorite things; you might be pleasantly surprised.

Cook At Home

This is always the tip that we know will help us save money, but it’s hard to stick to it when there are faster alternatives, like ordering food or going out to eat. Once you meal plan, you’ll have an idea of the recipes you want to make and your work will be simpler. Also imagine cooking as a stress reliever if you don’t currently enjoy it or try prepping ingredients ahead of time.

In addition to cooking your own dinners, try packing a lunch for work and you’ll see the savings rack up per month. Try cooking a little extra for dinner and make lunch even easier by taking leftovers.

If you’re skeptical about how shaving off pennies on some items will help your grocery costs, try all these tips and compare them to previous weeks or months of grocery receipts. Track your budget and see those extra savings rack up just from being a smart and frugal shopper.

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